Learning about "gie", a CLI tool for Geographic information Framework (PROJ) validation
I recently happened across "gie" (a.k.a. "Geospatial Integrity Investigation Environment").
See below for a AI-generated sample use-case. This example was generated using the mods CLI tool from Charm. The LLM backend used in this example is gpt-4o.mods -f 'show an example of using the CLI "gie" tool for proj validation
The "gie" command-line tool is used to validate transformations and commands
defined in the Geographic Information Framework (PROJ). Here's an example of
how to use the "gie" tool for proj validation:
### Step-by-Step Example
1. Create a GIE File:
• Write a GIE script that specifies the transformation you want to
validate. Save it as example.gie .
defined in the Geographic Information Framework (PROJ). Here's an example of
how to use the "gie" tool for proj validation:
### Step-by-Step Example
1. Create a GIE File:
• Write a GIE script that specifies the transformation you want to
validate. Save it as example.gie .
operation +proj=merc +lat_ts=56.5
coordinate 12dE 56dN
expect 1335833.89 7514065.63
operation +proj=utm +zone=33 +ellps=WGS84
coordinate 12dE 56dN
expect 500000 6219671.61
2. Run the GIE Command:
• Open your terminal.
• Navigate to the directory where the example.gie file is located.
• Run the validation using the gie tool.
gie example.gie
3. Interpret the Output:
• The gie tool will read the script and execute the transformations.
• It will compare the actual output with the expected output mentioned in
the expect lines.
• If the actual results match the expectations, the tool will confirm the
• Any discrepancies will be shown in the output for further investigation.
This example uses two different operations to transform geographical
coordinates and verify that the results are as expected. Adjust the
operation , coordinate , and expect lines according to your specific
validation needs.
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